Market Price Index
In preparing the price list, PPRA sought lists of the commonly procured items, specifications, unit of purchase, and respective brand names from various procuring entities for the different categories as well as the outlets where these items are procured. A questionnaire was then prepared describing the various items and distributed to the selected outlets by renowned researchers engaged by PPRA.
Information obtained from the outlets was then analyzed in an effort to come up with an average price for each item. The resultant average price took into account the various types currently in the market. Where prices obtained from different outlets for various items varied greatly, prices out of sync with the others were ignored in coming up with the average. In some instances, the price list includes brand names for the respective items.
The brand names were solely mentioned to emphasize the specificity of the survey. Therefore, the stated brand names are not an exclusive recommendation or prescription by PPRA to public entities, but are merely mentioned for the purpose of information.
Below are the previous market price indices.