Standard Tender Documents

Standard Tender Documents (2022))Standard Tender Documents (2021)Old Standard Tender Documents (Archive)
Pursuant to Sections 9, 58 and 70 of the Act the Public Procurement and Asset Disposal Act, 2015 (the Act) the Public Procurement Regulatory Authority (the Authority) developed and issued the Standard Public Procurement and Asset Disposal Documents and Formats for use by public entities and other stakeholders effective 21st April, 2021, vide PPRA Circular No. 2 of 2021, thus discontinued the use of previously issued standard tender documents and formats.

Disclosure of Beneficial Ownership Information is one of the requirements included in the current Standard Public Procurement and Asset Disposal Documents and Formats, following the requirements of the Executive Order No. 2 of 2018: Procurement of Public Goods, Works and Services by Public Procuring Entities; Section 138 of the Act; Regulation 131 of the Public Procurement and Asset Disposal Regulations, 2020 (the Regulations); Regulation 4 of the Companies (Beneficial Ownership Information) (Amendment) Regulations, 2022; and international best practice.

The Authority, having considered the views and comments of stakeholders, has updated and included the revised Beneficial Ownership Information Disclosure Form in the Standard Tender Documents. In addition, the Form of Tender has been amended to allow commitment by tenderers to avail the Beneficial Ownership Information upon notification of award.

The Authority has posted the updated standard bid/tender documents and formats for use by the procuring entities and other stakeholders as contained in list below. The Authority welcomes any feedback from the Users of this documents towards improving the structure and contents of the STDs. Stakeholders can share their comments/feedback through:-

· Tel:(+254) 020-3244000/020-2213106/7

· Email:;

· Letter addressed to:

The Director General

Public Procurement Regulatory Authority (PPRA)

P.O. Box 58535-00100



The updated Standard Tender Documents can be downloaded below:

The Public Procurement and Asset Disposal Act, 2015 (the Act) came into effect on January, 7th 2016. In order to fully operationalize the Act, the National Treasury issued the Public Procurement and Asset Disposal Regulations, 2020 in 2nd  July 2020. The Act gives effect to Article 227 of the Constitution which provides that public procurement should be conducted in a system that is fair, equitable, transparent, competitive and cost-effective.

Sections 9(1)(f), 58 and 70 of the Act vests the responsibility of developing and issuing of standard bid/tender documents and formats to Public Procurement Regulatory Authority (the Authority). To this end, the Authority with technical support from GIZ has reviewed, updated and developed new Standard Tender Documents (STDs) and Formats while incorporating changes in the Act, the Regulations and international best practices.

The process of development of standard bid/tender documents and formats involved incorporating views/input of public entities, suppliers, members of the public, professional bodies/ associations, non-state actors and other interested stakeholders in line with Article 10 of the Constitution of Kenya, 2010 on National Values and Principles of Governance. In addition, upon incorporation of the stakeholders input, the Authority subjected the standard bid/tender documents and formats to the validation by key stakeholders drawn from different sectors.

The Authority has posted the standard bid/tender documents and formats for use by the procuring entities and other stakeholders here below. The Authority welcomes any feedback from the Users of this documents towards improving the structure and contents of the STDs. Stakeholders can share their comments/feedback through:-

  • Tel:(+254) 020-3244000/020-2213106/7
  • Email:;
  • Letter addressed to:

The Director General

Public Procurement Regulatory Authority (PPRA)

P.O. Box 58535-00100


The new Standard Tender Documents are downloadable in word format below:

Name Downloads Last Modified Download
Name Downloads Last Modified Download
7284 downloads 17-05-2019 7:36 Download
4535 downloads 17-05-2019 7:36 Download
13505 downloads 17-05-2019 7:36 Download
6808 downloads 17-05-2019 7:36 Download
29578 downloads 17-05-2019 7:36 Download
2011 downloads 17-05-2019 7:36 Download
4619 downloads 17-05-2019 7:36 Download
2775 downloads 17-05-2019 7:36 Download
8994 downloads 17-05-2019 7:36 Download
3695 downloads 17-05-2019 7:36 Download
4456 downloads 17-05-2019 7:36 Download
2995 downloads 17-05-2019 7:36 Download
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2500 downloads 17-05-2019 7:36 Download
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3522 downloads 17-05-2019 7:36 Download
3511 downloads 17-05-2019 7:36 Download
5786 downloads 17-05-2019 7:36 Download
7402 downloads 17-05-2019 7:36 Download
4774 downloads 17-05-2019 7:36 Download
10447 downloads 17-05-2019 7:36 Download
2198 downloads 17-05-2019 7:36 Download
3568 downloads 17-05-2019 7:36 Download
4688 downloads 17-05-2019 7:36 Download
3368 downloads 17-05-2019 7:36 Download
1740 downloads 17-05-2019 7:36 Download
4733 downloads 17-05-2019 7:36 Download
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