Strategic Plan 2024 -2027

The 2023-2028 strategic plan provides a roadmap for the Authority’s mandate highlighting the major priority areas of focus for the Authority in the next five years. The Plan aims to deliver an effective and efficient public procurement system that promotes sustainable development. Public Procurement is a key catalyst in the realisation of Government policies and commitments; therefore, this Plan has laid ground to support achievement of BETA and MTP IV targets, alongside international treaties and protocols.


The Strategic Plan is anchored on Six key result areas and seeks to deliver five strategic goals namely;

(a) Foster compliance with

the legal and regulatory framework;

(b) Promote ethical conduct among persons

participating in the public procurement

and asset disposal system;

(c) Enhance efficiency in the public procurement

and asset disposal system;

(d) Increase stakeholder participation in the public procurement and asset disposal System; and

(e) Strengthen institutional capacity for effective service delivery. These goals shall be

actualized through strategic objectives and strategies outlined herein.

Over the Plan period, the Authority is committed to strengthen monitoring of the overall functioning of the public procurement and asset disposal system, and make succinct recommendations for improvement. Specifically. the Authority shall strengthen compliance monitoring, enforcement of standards and resolution of public complaints and disputes, undertake research, capacity building and registration of procurement agents; enhance digital collection &disclosure of public procurement and asset disposal data and information; and strengthen institutional capacity to support delivery of   the commitments. We therefore invite all stakeholders to join hands and provide necessary Support  whenever called upon to ensure delivery of the targets.

We sincerely wish to extend sincere appreciation to the Public Procurement Regulatory and Public Procurement Administrative Review Boards for their strategic guidance and support; and to our internal and external stakeholders who have contributed immeasurably to the development of this Strategic Plan. This includes enriching comments and feedback we received from stakeholders that shaped this Plan. We also appreciate the National Treasury and Economic Planning, through the State Department for Economic Planning for the guidance and support provided through the comments.

We wish to sincerely appreciate the support by the Government through the National Treasury and Economic Planning for the continued support over the years, and we are looking forward to deepen the engagement towards delivering value to the citizens. Special appreciation is extended to the Strategic Planning Committee that worked tirelessly to ensure that the Strategic Plan was developed and finalised. We express our commitment to ensure that the targets are realised within the stated timelines.


Patrick K. Wanjuki

Director General